About Bonnie

Bonnie is a constant student of life and all things spiritual. She was raised on an organic farm by a Mama who taught her to love the earth and be a good steward of the land.

Always fascinated with the possibilities of the human body she spent much of her life studying dance and acting, becoming a leading actress and choreographer for a professional theatre company at the age of 18.

She went on to become the artistic director of the company for the last two of her six years there. She also worked in the film industry with a short stint as a stunt actress. 

She spent the next 22 years as a yoga teacher, during which time she also led and certified yoga teacher trainings, and performing and teaching internationally with a yoga dance company.

Also delving into the healing arts she is a certified BodyTalk Practitioner and Reiki Master and has been enjoying that aspect of human potential.

Her most mind expanding study to date is BioGeometry and she loves honing her skills at harmonizing her inner and outer environment with this powerful healing modality.

Bonnie has spent the last 10 years serving the Divine through caring for her beloved Mom.

She is currently in metamorphosis moving into the next phase of her fascinating life on this planet with great excitement and appreciation.

She is the author of two books: “Don’t Panic! How To Use Yoga To Survive The College Experience”, and the fully illustrated children’s book “The Good Witch Ella”.

She is super excited to be an author in Amazon’s #1 Best Seller in New Age New Thought “Stories Of The Goddess: Divine Feminine Frequency Keepers”!

Since creating the yoga program at Florida International University 20 years ago, I have taught thousands of classes to 1000’s of people from all around the world. I also spent many years teaching in an assisted living facility, in yoga centers, one on one yoga classes and everything in between.

But it was teaching simultaneously to college students and the elderly that really got my attention. It gave me the opportunity to see the early onset of unhealthy movement habits and the results of those habits after 50 or 60 years.

It was plain to see the older bodies that had gone through life working for a living and never learning how to take movement breaks from their work. It was also plain to see the older bodies that had learned to take movement breaks. I could see clearly who had taken time to stretch and strengthen the whole body. They were the ones walking around, dancing, enjoying my yoga classes, playing pool, going on outings with friends and family. The ones who had dutifully gone through life working and doing only the movements of day to day life were almost always the ones struggling to walk as they pushed their walkers or rolled down the hallway in their wheelchair.

The university showed me the beginnings of these habits. I have spent years watching young people crumbling under the stress of school, work, and families, striving to do their best and land their dream job only to find themselves with no more time to take care of themselves than they had in school. Too many graduates have come back to find me and ask how to deal with the pain and stress they have acquired.

Seeing the beginning of the unhealthy habits at the college and the end results of those habits at the assisted living facility made me take action. I believe the college age years are not just for learning about a subject you get a degree in. I believe they are also about learning to program yourself for a lifetime of healthy habits. 

What good is a degree if you fall apart? 

What good is a career that pays you well and makes your bank account healthy if you can’t enjoy it because your body is no longer able?

During these 20 years at the University I’ve developed a program just for college students called Yoga Study Hall which helps students learn practical application of yoga to aid their studies.

Not only did I create this program, I also authored the book, Don’t Panic! How To Use Yoga To Survive The College Experience.

My GOAL is to see students use yoga, mindfulness and meditation to achieve better scores, be more productive, reduce stress and have a healthier college experience.

The experience of teaching yoga to both college students and senior citizens has given me a unique perspective of what is possible through a regular yoga practice and how it can change your life whatever stage you’re in.

I am on a mission to change the way we work. We have desks we can stand up and work, apps that count our steps, corporations understanding that their employees are healthier if they don’t sit down all day long and many excellent steps toward happier, healthier people.

It’s time to take it a step further. It’s time to build healthy habits before we get into the workforce. It will benefit you on a personal level and benefit everyone as a world community. 


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